пятница, 15 января 2021 г.

Video Editing, Image Editing, Web Design


I have been studying and working in designing for 4 years. Having experience in editing videos, photos (images).

I do also offer the service resulted from the two-year frontend developing experience and works on building, designing website for clients.

  • Works may include format conversion into HTML (PSD to HTML), HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, SCSS, Responsive Web. Related technologies such as ReactJs.

I firstly began working for my colleagues and schoolmates (when I was at university 6 years ago) and received many positive feedbacks as well as good comments.

Working with you ... is an honor to me!

  • Please contact me (Text/send messages) before making an order to discuss about the project.

Thank you all !


: : : : :

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